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Affordable Boring Services
Our boring prices are among the lowest in the area. Call Us for a quote.
Underground Boring
Running power from one location to another on your property is most easily solved by boring underground. Our trusted partners for underground work can insert a conduit underground from one location to another. This method eliminates the need for trenching or breaking up concrete. This is particularly convenient when you do not want to disturb above-ground traffic flow.

Boring vs. Trenching
Most often, electrical work is visible and can be easily accessed. Sometimes, however, electrical issues are traced back through troubleshooting wires underground. Or perhaps you simply want to supply power to a different part of your property that currently does not have power. You have two options for working with wires underground: trenching or boring. If the distance is short, the path is direct and you are certain there are no obstructions, trenching may indeed be the most cost effective option. However, when the distance is substantial, the path is not direct or the above-ground traffic cannot be disturbed, boring is the better and most cost-effective option. Our trusted partners are able to insert a conduit from location to another without disturbing the surface of the ground.